#StirDiary Student Project
Welcome to the Stirling Diary project!
So you’ve picked up a diary and are ready to learn more about this project. Do watch the video below where Janet, the Church of Scotland Chaplain and Rosie, the NHS Forth Valley Archivist explain how you can use your diaries, how they’re going to be using theirs and what inspiration we have got lined up for you.
We’ll be updating this page with diaries from our Archive collections for you to explore. Keep an eye on #StirDiary across social media for activities, events and updates – we’re looking forward to hearing how you’re getting on! And don’t forget to register your participation with us on archives@stir.ac.uk so that we can invite you to events.
Below we’re sharing diaries from the University’s Archives and Special Collections from award winning film directors to political activists who all kept a record of their lives and the times in which they lived.
Contact details:
To contact Archives and Special Collections to discuss archive material, what donating your diary to the archive might involve or any other aspect of this project
Email: archives@stir.ac.uk
Twitter: @unistirarchives
Facebook: @unistirarchives
To contact Janet or find out more about the Chaplaincy
Email: janet.foggie1@stir.ac.uk
Twitter: @InclusionKirk
Instagram: @InclusionKirk
Website: https://www.stir.ac.uk/student-life/support-wellbeing/student-support-services/chaplaincy/
If you are struggling with your mental health you can contact Student Support Services on ask@stir.ac.uk