Cool Interior - A Remembrance
- Artist:
- Type: Painting
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- Production Date: 1974
- Description: A visit to Amiens Cathedral in France first inspired Philipson‘s cathedral paintings. Early works in this theme tended to focus on the grandeur of cathedral exteriors, but soon his focus moved inside, to the glow of light and colour produced by the rose windows. Philipson's later work in the 1960s included church and cathedral interiors and crucifixions. This piece was presented to the University Chaplaincy in May 1974, and was created specifically for the location and in memory of Tom Cottrell, the first Principal of the University. The many facets of the painting symbolised to the artist the piece-by-piece creation of the University and also represents the artist's appreciation and affection for Tom Cottrell.
- Dimensions: Framed: 98.2 cm (H) x 129 cm (W). Unframed: 89 cm (H) x 120.5cm (W).
- Digital Copy:A digital copy exists.
- Location: Store
- Related Material: AC/AF/P/7
- Related Material: AC/OF/1974/2
- Accession Number: 1974.2
- Contact: University of Stirling Art Collection