Archive collections A-Z

Click on the links below for further information on collections featured on our new online catalogue. A full list of the collections held by the University of Stirling Archives is available on our libguides page.

Aberlour, Scotland’s Children’s Charity (1875-present)

Alloa Burns Club (1849-2020)

Anderson, Lindsay (1923-1994), filmmaker, theatre director, critic.

Banks, Iain (1954-2013), author.

Institute for Retail Studies (1984-present), documenting and researching the international retail sector.

McLaren, Norman (1914-1987), filmmaker and artist.

Musicians’ Union (1893-present), union representing musicians working in all sectors of the music business.

Scottish Political Archive (20th and 21st century), collections relating to modern Scottish politics with particular focus on the creation of a Scottish Parliament, Scottish devolution and independence and key figures, organisations and movements within Scottish Politics.

Items from the Aberlour Archive
Material from the Lindsay Anderson Archive.